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Commercial name: PUERTAS ALVAREZ, S.L.

Company name: PUERTAS ÁLVAREZ, S.L.

NIF: B12490702

Registered office: AVDA. MEDITARRANEO 3 , 12400 SEGORBE (CASTELLÓN)

Telephone: 964710326


Registered in the Registry (Mercantile / Public): Mercantile Registry of CASTELLÓN, TOMO 947, BOOK 512, FOLIO 57, SECTION 8, SHEET CS-14247, REGISTRATION 10.


In compliance with the duty to inform set forth in Article 10 of the Information Society Services and E-Commerce Act 34/2002 of 11 July, the following details are hereby included: is an Internet domain owned by PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L.

PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. retains ownership of all of the intellectual and industrial property rights for this webpage, along with all elements contained therein (including, but not limited to, images, photographs, sound, audio, video, software and text; trademarks and logos, colour combinations, structure and design, etc.).

Terms and conditions of use

The condition of user of this website is attributed to anyone who accesses and uses said webpage. The condition of user implies full acceptance of the conditions included in this Legal Notice and any special conditions which may be established for specific services and uses. Users will be responsible for adjusting their behaviour to the aforementioned conditions and observing that set forth in legal regulations, along with any instructions or warnings of which they are made aware.

The User is hereby informed, and accepts, that access to this webpage does not imply, under any circumstances, the establishment of a commercial relationship with PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L.

In general terms, the relationship between PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. and the Users of the electronic services available on this website is subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

Whenever it is necessary to use a password or user name to access the content of or a service included on this webpage, the user is required to keep it a secret and use it diligently. If the password is lost or used negligently, the user shall be liable for any third-party use which may occur.

PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. retains ownership of the intellectual property rights for the webpages’ content, graphic design and codes. In virtue of that set forth in Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Act, users are expressly forbidden from reproducing, distributing and publicly disclosing, including rendering them available in any manner, all or part of the contents of this webpage for commercial purposes, in any media and by any technical means, without the authorisation of PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. The user hereby commits to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights owned by PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L.

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PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need for prior notification, modifications and updates to the information contained in this website and to its configuration or presentation and access conditions.

PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. does not guarantee the website’s complete efficiency or the inexistence of errors in accessing the website or its content, or that it will be updated. PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. will undertake, barring causes which render it impossible or hinder its execution, upon receiving report of an error, disconnection or non-updated content, any task required to rectify the error, re-establish communication and update contents.

Unauthorised access to the webpage or the unauthorised use of the information contained therein will be the sole responsibility of the implicated user. PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. is not liable for any consequence or damage that may be derived from said access or use. PUERTAS ALVAREZ S.L. is not responsible for any security errors which may occur or any damage which may be incurred by the user’s computer system (hardware or software), or any files or documents stored therein.